
Overcoming Adversity

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Ms. Manthei is the author of On Gratitude which came out in 2010. Jean has practiced counseling for 30 years where much of it has been done at A Turning Point in Colorado Springs.  She has been at ATP since 2005.  

Ms. Manthei does photography outside of her work as a counselor for her own personal growth and well-being.  She has been interested in the concept of photo therapy since the 1990s.  She first heard of this when reading a book called Phototherapy Techniques by Judy Weiser, Ph.D   And Ms. Manthei has worked with how she might apply the idea of phototherapy with drug and alcohol clients.  And she has had them work with photo books to tell their story and work with addictive logic and thinking errors using their photos to share pain or grief and addictive logic.  Ms. Manthei has been interested in the potential of photo therapy with this population.  And she has studied Neil Gibson and D.E. Loewenthal who have been using photo therapy with patients in the UK.  

Ms. Manthei is a cognitive behavioral therapist and is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Addictions Specialist.  Despite disability, Ms. Manthei has had to overcome personal adversity with illness and trauma to become a counselor.  She is a firm believer that counselors, whether they have been diagnosed or not, should be getting their own treatment and doing their own emotional work.  It is good self-care and it is responsible and helps to offer clients better care when one has worked on their own issues.  

Ms. Manthei has written another book:  Photography and Schizophrenia–you can get it at Amazon. Proceeds go into an account that hopefully will help others with schizophrenia publish or do creative projects that generate self-esteem and well-being. Heal well, heal responsibly, Jean Manthei, MA, LPC, CAS

Press Release for Photography and Schizophrenia https://world.einnews.com/pr_news/647193197/author-and-aod-counselor-jean-manthei-releases-new-book-photography-and-schizophrenia